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Heavenly Ham Casserole

I have been missing this amazing old family recipe; that has passed down through the generations, often taken to family reunions, holiday gatherings or other carry-ins.  Since I have been following Trim Healthy Mama, the original recipe as it is written, doesn’t fit into the guidelines as a legal dish to prepare and eat.  

Recently, I was pondering how I could adapt the old favorite recipe to the Trim Healthy Mama lifestyle I have been following.  I have been messing with this in the kitchen for a while, I think I have finally come up with something that will work, so I decided to share it here.  The original recipe was made with potatoes.  We all know that potatoes are a Trim Healthy Mama “no-no.”  The adapted recipe below, is the closest thing to the original recipe I have found.  This would definitely be considered an "S" Dish. I hope that you will all try it and that you all enjoy it.

Heavenly Ham Casserole
¾ # Deli Ham, thinly sliced
2 10 oz bags Frozen Cauliflower
¼ # Mozzarella Cheese, thinly sliced
1 Cup Shredded Mozzarella Cheese
1 # Bacon, fried and crumbled
16 oz Heavy Whipping Cream
3 Large Eggs
2 tsp Parsley
Salt and Pepper to taste

Preheat oven to 350 degrees.  Cook bacon as desired.  In a 9 X 13 greased casserole dish, layer ingredients as indicated.  Begin with 1 bag of frozen cauliflower.  Next layer 1 layer of ham. Then 1 layer of sliced Mozzarella Cheese.  Then the crumbled bacon. Sprinkle with 1 tsp Parsley and salt n pepper.  Layer ½ the shredded Mozzarella Cheese.  Repeat layers.  End with the Shredded Cheese.  Beat 3 eggs then combine with the heavy cream.  Pour the egg mixture on top of the layered ingredients.  Bake for 40-45 minutes, the cheese will be golden. Serves 8


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