When I began to ponder the idea of starting a blog to document my new lifestyle journey, the first dilemma I was faced with was how to title my blog. When I look back over the ups and downs of my roller coaster weight loss and weight gain, I thought long and hard about what exactly it was that got me to where I am. I also thought about what other people might find as interesting topics to read about. So for myself, I know that there are many contributing factors that have been a source of my weight gain. Most of those factors where formed from habits that I have continued to feed throughout most of my life, childhood and adulthood. Thus the "Habitual" part of my blog name was formed. There are many habits that a person develops throughout their life time. Some good, some maybe not so good. I looked up the definition of habit in the trusty old Merrium-Webster Dictionary, this is what I found. 1 hab·it noun \ ˈ ha-bət\ : a usual wa...
The musings of a recovering sugar addict, gone mad.