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Showing posts from October, 2014

Candy, Candy and More Candy

When I began to ponder the idea of starting a blog to document my new lifestyle journey, the first dilemma I was faced with was how to title my blog.  When I look back over the ups and downs of my roller coaster weight loss and weight gain, I thought long and hard about what exactly it was that got me to where I am.  I also thought about what other people might find as interesting topics to read about.  So for myself, I know that there are many contributing factors that have been a source of my weight gain. Most of those factors where formed from habits that I have continued to feed throughout most of my life, childhood and adulthood. Thus the "Habitual" part of my blog name was formed. There are many habits that a person develops throughout their life time.  Some good, some maybe not so good.  I looked up the definition of habit in the trusty old Merrium-Webster Dictionary, this is what I found. 1 hab·it   noun   \ ˈ ha-bət\ : a usual wa...

A New Journey Has Begun

As I sat on the couch about a month ago, reality began to sink in. The reality that as the days came and went, I continued to give in to the "Habitual Cravings" known to many as food.  Sweets, fatty foods, deep fried foods and anything else suitable to satisfy an almost undeniable fix. I found great joy in relying on those types of foods during times when I felt nothing else could make it all seem "okay". That Sunday, as I sat on the couch, I had an overwhelming desire to finally break the habit.  I discovered a new lifestyle trend known as THM (Trim Healthy Mama). The photo is me at the peak of my climbing weight. Please join me on my journey as I overcome many battles through this new lifestyle.  See the alternatives I rely on  to satisfy my cravings, watch the progress through my journey as I move onward toward my goals, offer encouragement, jump on the wagon with me or just come and find inspiration to change your own "Habitual Cravings".  Stand alon...