What better way to start the day than with some THM approved Strawberry Chocolate Bars. Who would have known or thought that there was a secret ingredient in the base of these bars? By the looks and the taste of them, I certainly would have never guessed. Just what is that secret ingredient, black beans. My husband and my children turned up their noses as I told them that I used the draining black beans in my yummy brownies. The end result was so much better than I ever would have anticipated. This post will be quite brief. I am so excited about this new lifestyle, I can eat foods that I never would have imagined and still lose weight. So let me just get straight to the guts of this yummy treat. For those following Trim Healthy Mama I ran the recipe past some experts in the plan. This was approved as an S and the serving size can be decreased to 9 instead of 16 and still be on plan. Personally, I find that a small serving of this is plenty. Strawberry Chocolate Bars Makes 16 Bars ...
The musings of a recovering sugar addict, gone mad.