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Idahoan Signature Russets

Many nights I come home after a tough day at the office. I usually have barn work to do to take care of the Baby Norwegian Dwarf Goats at Campbell's Charming Country Farm. These little guys and the little gal are like therapy after a bad day. Their faces and personality are so cute. They make a bad day better.  I have dinner to prepare for my family.

Each evening I fuss around trying to figure out what to prepare that everyone will like. Also, figuring out what I can make quickly as I usually don't have allot of time. I recently received the Idahoan Vox Box free to try from Influenster in exchange for my fair and honest opinion of the product. I decided to break into the Idahoan Signature Russets packet from the Vox Box. I made cube steak, brown gravy, Idahoan Signature Russets and Corn. The Russets were very quick and easy to prepare in just a few simple steps. From package to plate in less than 10 minutes. Even better was the flavor and light creamy buttery goodness. They literally almost melt in thy mouth.  You can create many awesome dishes in minutes with the Idahoan Signature Russets. Please go to the Idahoan to see all for yourself all the that you can make.


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